Explore Commercial Diving Jobs and Careers with CLS
Interested in finding commercial diving jobs or hiring skilled commercial divers, saturation divers, maintenance divers, or other technical divers for your company? Complete Logistical Services offers quick, easy placement options.
Hire a Commercial Diver
Is your company is searching for commercial divers for contract or permanent work? Complete Logistical Services has plenty of options for your company. Regardless of your skill level, offshore divers are in high demand. The CLS team of recruiters will work alongside your company to ensure you find the right fit.

Commercial Diver Employment Options
For those looking for commercial diver jobs, CLS is committed to placing you with a company looking for your exact skill set. Diving jobs can be difficult and sometimes dangerous, which is why we place you with companies that prioritize your safety. Whether you specialize in welding, construction, retrieval, recovery, or repairs, the CLS staffing team will help you find the right fit.
How To Become a Commercial Diver
Commercial diving requires a high school diploma or equivalency. You must be 18 years old upon graduating from the program and proficient in English. Apart from these basic requirements, people who want to work as commercial divers must have the ability to swim 400 meters unassisted.
Another important requirement is the Association of Diving Contractors Inc (ADCI) physical dive. Moreover, you must be able to obtain a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card in compliance with the Maritime Transportation Security Act (TSA). The TSA assesses eligible applicants for security threats before issuing the credential.
The journey to becoming a commercial diver involves extensive training and certifications. These requirements help divers stay safe while performing underwater job duties. There are many commercial diving schools across the US, and their programs vary in length. Upon completing the commercial diving program and earning certifications, you embark on the journey to find commercial diving jobs.
For more insight on job opportunities for certified commercial divers, check out the CLS Blog – Commercial Diving Jobs: Is a Career in Commercial Diving Right for You?
0-2 Years
Fresh commercial diving graduates start as dive tenders, and their job is to provide surface support during a commercial dive operation. Your responsibilities include maintaining communication between the commercial diver and the dive supervisor and providing supplies and assistance to the commercial diver.
2-5 Years
With experience and additional training, commercial divers can move up the ranks and take on more responsibility. You can become a lead diver responsible for a commercial diving team, or you can become a supervisor who oversees commercial dive operations. You may also specialize in a skill such as underwater welding.
5 Years and Above
With years of experience, commercial divers can become instructors who train new commercial diving students, or you can move into management positions. Commercial divers with at least five years of experience have already dived in various locations and environments. They have gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise that can be leveraged in management positions.
Commercial divers are in high demand due to the many industries that require their services. These industries include oil and gas, construction, shipping, and more. Commercial divers are responsible for various tasks, such as welding and inspection. You must be able to work in both shallow and deep water.
Entry Level Commercial Diver Jobs
Entry-level commercial diving jobs are still crucial to the success of a commercial dive operation. Furthermore, these positions are necessary to gain experience. Entry-level commercial divers typically start as dive tenders, and their job is to provide surface support during a commercial dive.
There are several dive tender job opportunities in commercial diving. Their responsibilities include bridge inspection, construction and repair, flotation devices maintenance, grouting, and even underwater photography or videography and surveys. Assistance plays a significant role in ensuring the commercial diver has everything they need while underwater.
Entry-level commercial diver jobs are available for those with little to no experience in the industry. These jobs provide on-the-job training to help new commercial divers learn the ropes and eventually move to more experienced positions.
Experienced Commercial Diver Jobs
For commercial divers with several years of experience under your belt, many different types of skilled commercial diver jobs are available. These jobs are typically more hands-on and challenging, requiring a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Most experienced commercial diver jobs include lead divers and supervisors. Lead divers are responsible for a commercial diving team; their job is to direct the other divers on the team. They must be able to think on their feet and make quick decisions. They are responsible for the safety of the other divers on the team.
Supervisors oversee commercial dive operations and are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the dive operation run smoothly. This includes preparing the dive site, managing the commercial diving team, and being on call in case of an emergency.
Another in-demand professional commercial diver job is that of a saturation diver. Saturation diver jobs are some of the most challenging and dangerous. Saturation diving involves working in extremely deep waters (up to 1,000 feet or more) for long periods. Construction and demolition at these depths require breathing pressurized air and weeks in a pressurized environment.
Entry-level and experienced commercial diver jobs are available for all types of commercial diving, whether onshore or offshore. Offshore diving jobs are typically more challenging and dangerous, as they occur in deep water far from land. On the other hand, onshore diving jobs have lower risks and lesser hazards.
Whether you are looking for an entry-level or experienced commercial diver job, CLS and our team of recruiters can help you find the perfect position.
Types of Commercial Diver Jobs
Complete Logistical Services is an experienced staffing agency that specializes in matching qualified commercial diving professionals with the right companies and projects. The following are some of the top commercial diver jobs that we place:
- Commercial Diver
- Saturation Diver
- Dive Tenders
- Oil Rig Diver
- Maintenance Diver
- Offshore Diver
- IMCA and ADCI Commercial Diver
- Underwater Welder
- AIR Diver
- Diving Superintendent or Supervisor
- Saturation Technician
- Life Saving Supervisor (LSS)
- Life Saving Technicians (LST)